To Time Travel
To time travel is no great thing. We leave very easily. For halfway through Tuesday and we’re ready for Wednesday. To ourselves, we might call it Wednesday or just about because you’re practically home by then anyway. But we better make it Thursday cause we’re all just trying to make it to Friday and if Tuesday is Wednesday and Wednesday is Thursday then by the time I wake up it’ll be Friday and what a day Friday is! So let’s just make it Friday. That’s not really asking too much.
But then I wake up on Friday without any memory of the previous days.
Is that how the years go, just like the weeks? Have they all gone like this? Trickling away looking forward to something that never amounted to what I’d hoped it would or lasted as long as I’d have liked it to? They always go so easily always looking ahead presuming that some day will be better than today. How many days have not been lived hoping to live more fully on another day, some better day that isn’t today and the days that are here with us just seem so inconsequential that when we get where we had hoped it’s hard to hide from the disappointment that is barely a disguise for despair. Numbing ourselves for an entire week with vague fantasies about how good some other day will be, some other day away from the drudgery of our work-a-day life… It is no wonder the Greeks left hope in Pandora’s box. Too much hope has us distracted and preoccupied with things that are not ours to have. You cannot have Friday on Tuesday. Indeed there is no future at all aside from the one you’ve created in your imagination as an excuse for not living today.